2015 Sculpture
Nylon rope, yarn, steel, balloon
11.5' x 2' x 2.5'
Nylon, metal spacers, faux fur, common pine, felt, nylon rope, pearls, galvanized bucket, fabric softener
8' x 8' x 3'
2015 Installation
Found spray bottles tops, cedar, pine, fabric softener
7' x 4.5' x 4'
The audience is encouraged to participate with the sculpture.
2015 Performance sculpture
Wood, rhinestones, denim, faux furr
1' x 4' x 1'
During the opening of the show, "I've come to get mine.", on May 8, 2015 at 6pm, Ainsley did a performance using the sculpture. She was wearing clothes and roller skates to match the object.
2015 Sculpture
Pine, plastic, aluminum, ribbon, film, paper doilies
8' x 4' x 1'
2015 Sculpture
Poplar, orange tinted resin, fireplace mesh guards, embroidery hoops, faux fur, personal bracelets, buttons, moving carpet, plywood
3' x 4' x 3'
2015 Installation
Plywood, file folder holders, beeswax, thread, necklace chain, PourOn resin, sequins, latex paint, crystal
10' x 8' x 6"
2013 Sculpture
Coffee straws, wood, wire
7' x 5' x 6'
2013 Performance Sculpture
Found fabric, red oak, steel
3' x 3' x 20'
2014 Sculpture
Fibers, condoms, ink, spring, bungee.
8' x 1' x 6"